Contact: Nicole Andreou,
Copenhagen, 7 November 2017 - Next week the Eco-Schools International team will be on their way to the annual Eco-Schools National Operator Meeting (NOM), this year taking place in Paris, France. Sessions, workshops and activities will revolve around the theme: Positive Actions in the Future of Education. The NOM will be taking place 17-19 November, and Eco-Schools project workshops are scheduled to take place on 20 November. Eco-Schools is one of five programmes run by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE).
Eco-Schools National Operators from over 60 countries will be participating in the meeting to discuss, exchange experiences, participate in professional development sessions and make their contributions to the development of the Eco-Schools programme. The agenda focuses on the Themes of Health & Wellbeing and Marine & Coast, plus the Sustainable Development Goals and their connection to the programme. It includes professional development sessions on Transformative Education, Project-Based Learning and Fundraising; and provides space for group work on Green Flag Benchmarking, Eco-Schools Twinning, Natural Disasters, planning for the Eco-Schools 25th Anniversary in 2019 and FEE EcoCampus.
As part of the official programme, Eco-Schools International will welcome Jérémie Petit of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Stéphane Marchand-Maillet of MGEN, Bernard Combes from UNESCO, Mari Nishimura from UNEP, Maëlle Montier from World Ocean Network, and French Eco-Schools representatives.
Attendees will have the chance to hear about programme developments by Thierry Lerévérend, CEO of NOM 2017 host organisation, Teragir, Laura Hickey of the National Wildlife Federation and FEE Board of Directors, Daniel Schaffer, FEE CEO, Bríd Conneely, International Eco-Schools Director, and many of the National Operators from across the globe.
Bríd Conneely says: “We are so excited to be going to Paris for the meeting. It is the first time France is hosting the Eco-Schools National Operator Meeting and it is also the largest meeting ever with over 100 delegates. It is a huge plus to have so many organisations from civil society in Paris discussing the SDGs and the communities that make them relevant.”
In the evening of 18 November, the Paris City Hall will be hosting a Green Flag Ceremony. Six French schools will be awarded the Green Flag by representatives of Teragir’s most prominent institutional and corporate partners: the Paris City Hall, the Ministries of Education, Sustainable Development, and Foreign Affairs, MGEN, and CITEO.
Follow Eco-Schools International on social media and stay tuned.
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