
Eco-Schools is one of the largest global sustainable schools programme – it starts in the classroom and expands to the community by engaging the next generation in action-based learning.

Eco-Schools is implemented in 73 countries by FEE member organisations and in 26 countries through International Schools.

The programme’s greatest achievement is arguably the fact that it produces generation after generation of sustainably minded, environmentally conscious people. These individuals will carry the behavioural patterns they uptake under the auspices of Eco-Schools with them through life, in turn teaching the next generation the habits to make a difference.

Latest News and Stories

ECO-SCHOOLS ANNOUNCED AS A GLOBAL INNOVATION IN EDUCATION & SUSTAINABILITY has selected Eco-Schools as part of 100 inspiring innovations that are changing the face of K12 education today. Check out our Awards and Recognitions and read about our work in this impact story!

“I love the fact that each school owns its unique journey all the while enjoying the guidance of the Seven Steps. Integrating environmental work with the curriculum is also a good idea, as is involving the community, developing a school Eco-Code and recognizing schools for their hard work.”

- HundrED Academy Member

climate action by eco-schools

Eco-School students from around the world took part in the long-standing Litter Less Campaign, a collaboration between the Foundation for Environmental Education and the Mars-Wrigley Foundation. Read about the student actions below!

Our projects focus on positive actions transforming behaviour in schools and communities

Each school follows a Seven Step change process and empowers their young people to lead processes and actions wherever they can. 

On the map below you can see the organisations that operate the Eco-Schools programme in the different member countries.



The Foundation for Environmental Education has launched FEE Academy, an online learning platform offering a number of free courses for students, teachers and National Operators. The Eco-Schools programme currently has four courses available!