Institutional Partners
The Foundation for Environmental Education is partnered by some of the world's foremost organisations in the fields of education and the environment. These illustrious partners include UNESCO, the UNEP, UNWTO, ISESCO, YMP, Earth Charter, the GAP and eTwinning.
Recognised by UNESCO as a world-leader within the fields of Environmental Education and Education for Sustainable Development, our strength comes from our members who share our convictions and execute our programmes with great efficiency on a daily basis. Hand-picked by FEE for their dedication and outstanding ability, it is these local organisations who make FEE the community-focused entity that it is today.
Launched in 2021 by the United Nations Environment Programme and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration is a rallying call for the protection and revival of ecosystems all around the world, for the benefit of people and nature. It aims to halt the degradation of ecosystems, and restore them to achieve global goals. In line with FEE’s goal of protecting global biodiversity as laid out in our strategy, GAIA 20:30, FEE was proud to be named a Supporting Partner of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration for the protection and restoration of ecosystems and biodiversity around the world.
The Office for Climate Education (OCE) aims to organise strong international cooperation between scientific bodies, NGOs and educational institutions to educate present and future generations about climate change.
The Foundation for Environmental Education has become a Strategic Partner of the EAUC and Eco-Schools International is the key contact. Run for its Members, the EAUC works with Educational and Company Members and Strategic Partners to drive sustainability to the heart of universities, colleges and learning and skills sector providers.
The Earth Charter is an ethical framework for building a just, sustainable, and peaceful global society in the 21st century. It seeks to inspire in all people a new sense of global interdependence and shared responsibility and is centrally concerned with the transition to sustainable ways of living and sustainable human development.
eTwinning is a community of teachers and school staff, from pre-primary to upper secondary schools and vocational schools, from 42 countries in Europe and its neighbouring countries. Thanks to the eTwinning free and safe platform, they can develop online collaborative projects involving classes, take part in a variety of professional development opportunities, online forums with colleagues, and professional networking across different countries. eTwinning is an initiative of the European Commission, funded under the Erasmus+ programme.
Global Waste Cleaning Network – GWCN is an international non-profit network comprised of NGOs, Educational institutions, and private and public sector companies, that are active and interested in environmental issues related to the management and reduction of waste, whether solid, liquid or gaseous to conserving and maintaining healthy oceans, coastlines, lands and the atmosphere.