Week 2: Reduce Environmental Pollution
Welcome to week two! Let us now act to reduce environmental pollution.
Fun fact: Did you know that oysters, clams, and other shellfish are efficient filter feeders that help clean the oceans. Adult oysters are estimated to be able to filter up to 190 litres of water a day!
Take a 10-minute walk anywhere outside. Take your time and engage each of your senses one by one. What do you see, smell, and hear? What is one thing you are thankful about what you just observed? Can you think of reasons why nature does not produce any waste?
Try to list at least three types of pollution. Discuss with your friends and family about the ones that are most upsetting to you. Explain why?
Share your thoughts in your community on the app or on FB/Instagram with the hashtags #MyActionsMatter and #LitterLessCampaign.
Together with a friend or family member, watch this short video about plastic pollution.
What emotions are you feeling as you watch the video? What emotions do you think an animal, such as a dolphin, turtle, or seabird experiences if it swallows a bottle cap or is caught in a plastic bag? It can be difficult emotionally for us to watch such videos. To support yourself, you may wish to turn away from the video, close your eyes and take three deep breaths before moving on.
What can we do to reduce the suffering of the animals? For some ideas, you can watch this video.
Share your feelings and handprint commitment on FB or Instagram using the hashtags #MyActionsMatter #Handprint #LitterLessCampaign.
Not all types of pollutants can be smelled or are visible to our eyes. We tend to use many products that contain chemicals that evaporate into the air or are washed into our sewage systems posing a risk to humans, animals, and plants.
Can you find five products in your home that contain toxins or chemicals that can be harmful for humans, animals, and plants? How do these chemicals find their way to nature?
Can you find or make alternative products that are less harmful? For inspiration, you can check out this video.
Share your ideas of non-toxic products in your community in the app or on FB/Instagram with the hashtags #MyActionsMatter and #LitterLessCampaign.
Together with your parents or guardians, find and count all the electronic appliances in your home (for example, TV, microwave, lamps, computer, charger, printer etc.) Unplug all of them for one hour (except freezer, refrigerator, or any other essential electronics!). Consider how many you can keep off and only turn on when needed.
Before turning off your phone, watch this YRE video and get some ideas for how to reduce your Internet Pollution.
Use your time away from the screen to talk to your family and friends, do sport, or be creative.
Sit quietly and reflect on the things you have bought the past two months. Any new clothes, electronic gadgets, decorations for your room, makeup? Why did you buy these? How long will they last?
Call your grandparents or a family friend over 70. Ask them what and how many things they bought when they were your age. Why do you think we are buying more things and producing more waste today?
We all need to carefully consider our consumption needs and habits to promote a circular rather than a linear, “buy-and-throw-away” culture. Learn the basics about Circular Economy here.
Share your commitment to reduce consumption on FB/Instagram with the hashtags #MyActionsMatter and #LitterLessCampaign.
Choose a time for a litter-pick-picnic with your family or friends. Pack a blanket, some food and drinks, as well as gloves/litter-pickers, bags, and hand sanitizer. Walk together to a nice green area of your choice. On your way there, pick up the litter that you might see on the street or path.
Once you arrive, take 10 minutes to pick up any litter in the surrounding area – even the small cigarette butts!
Celebrate your efforts by enjoying the clean nature together and the food you brought. Take a photo of your celebration and share it in your community in the app. You can also share the photo on FB/Instagram with the hashtags #MyActionsMatter and #LitterLessCampaign.
Take a moment to watch David Attenborough’s version of a “Wonderful World”
Putting your hands on your heart, ask yourself, how do you feel as you watch the video? Open your Treasure Earth diary and enter the feelings you are experiencing.