
The annual registration window for new International Schools wanting to join FEE’s Educational Programmes is open from 1st December to 31st January

Before registering your school, please ensure you have sufficient support from the School Principal and staff of the school and you are eligible to register directly with FEE Head Office. Unsure? Please refer to the Who Can Join? section.

Levy Information

  • International Schools in countries without a National Operator may register below for the fee of 1000 EUR (500 EUR/year, paid for 2 years in advance). We strongly believe that savings from the programme activities will help meet this cost!

  • The registration renewal fee (after 2 years) reduces to 850 EUR every 2 years.

  • The registration of a school refers to the campuses in the same area. Campuses in separate areas (more than 10 kms away) are counted as separate schools.

  • When applying for the Green Flag Award under the Eco-Schools programme, usually after 2 years of implementing the programme, there is a 400 EUR fee to cover the school assessment (plus travel costs for the assessor, when applicable). There are no additional fees for participation in the YRE Competition or the LEAF Award.


Next Registration Window will be 1st December 2025 - 31st January 2026

What Happens Once You Join?