Heading to our National Operators' Meeting in South Africa, 31 October - 2 November

Only two weeks to go until Eco-Schools next National Operators' Meeting (NOM) in Johannesburg, South Africa. This year's theme is - 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) links to FEE and Eco-Schools.

National Operators from 54 Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) member organisations will be coming together to discuss the engagement of communities in the programme, monitoring and evaluation, the EcoCampus branch of Eco-Schools, and best practices. Project workshops, Litter Less Campaign for the Wrigley Company Foundation, Toyota's The Great Plant Hunt, and Green STEM by Alcoa, will be taking place for the countries involved before the commencement of the NOM.

We look forward to seeing the National Operators!

Follow the meeting using #EcoSchools2016 and #peoplecaringfortheearth