Empowering Youth Can Save Our Oceans

Story provided by One More Generation

In November 2016, One More Generation founders Olivia (14) and her brother Carter (16) launched their global OneLessStraw Pledge Campaign, in an effort to help clean up our environment and educate people on the harms of using single use plastic straws. 

Some interesting facts: In the U.S.A alone, an estimated 500,000,000 plastic straws are used every single day.  That is the equivalent to 1.6 straws for every man, woman and child living in this country every single day.  If you were to take an entire day's worth of plastic straws, they would fill up over 127 school busses of one-time use plastic straws that are ending up in our landfills and waterways.  Sick isn't it?


Since the launch of the campaign, over 5,000 people from over 46 countries around the world sign the online pledge form stating that “they promise not to use a single use plastic straw for at least 30 days”. Almost 500 partners from around the world have also joined the OneLessStraw Partners Page and helped to share the initiative. 

Schools across the world can participate in the program.  Schools signing on are listed as partners and on our interactive Google map. Students are then given the opportunity to sign the pledge stating they promise not to use a single plastic straw for at least 30 days.  Students are also encouraged to speak with their favorite restaurant and ask them to participate by signing the pledge.  

The OneLessStraw.org website has lots of resources and a cool interactive Google map which will tracks the progress of the campaign around the world.