There is hope even in the darkest time
It has been a challenging school year for Ukrainian schools. Air-ride sirens, missile strikes, drones, and electricity cuts have interrupted everyday life and study processes in the country. It has now become almost normal for students and their teachers to have lessons taking place in shelters, or to run to a shelter during the day. However, it was essential to show the light at the end of the tunnel, which is why Olginskyj Lyceum and Kindergarten “Rozumka” worked hard to implement projects related to a better future. The implementation of the Eco-Schools programme became one of such positive outlook projects. Well-deservedly, on the 2nd of June, 2023, Olginskyj Lyceum received a Green Flag from the Ukrainian Eco-Schools Programme National Operator, Modest Aleyev, as a recognition of their inspiring achievements.
During the year, the members of the Eco-Committee did their best to involve their whole school in biodiversity protection activities, recycling waste, and other important activities related to the Eco-Schools programme. Teachers of Olginskyj Lyceum’s Gymnasium A+ and Primary School A+ were among the first teachers to re-establish the study process in severe conditions a year ago and re-started the Eco-Schools programme this school year. Additionally, Kindergarten “Rozumka” is successfully developing biodiversity, health, and well-being themes at their school. Gymnasium A+, Primary school A+, and Kindergarten “Rozumka” are in the final stages of their Green Flag award application.