Interview with: Sepideh Ostadhassan
World Green Star - Iran
City where the organisation is based: Tehran
Number of staff in the organisation/working with Eco-Schools: 6/4
What do you prefer?
- Dogs or cats? Cats
- Sea or mountains? Mountains
- Chocolate or chips? Both
- Film or book? Book
- City or countryside? Countryside
- Favourite word or phrase: Good thoughts, Good words, Good deeds (Calque of Avestan – Zoroaster- Iranian Prophet)
- If you could sing one song on a music competition show on television, what would it be?
Adele - Rolling in the Deep
- What is the funniest thing that has happened to you recently?
I couldn’t distinguish between a mannequin and the shop assistant in a shop. I thought he was a mannequin. When he walked I screamed, which scared him too. After a few minutes, we both started laughing.
A high point of the programme, hopes and visions
Social activity and improving our environmental vision and mission in cooperation with teachers, students and local communities are the high points of the programme to me. Helping each other to be more responsible to support our environment well and to support our schools to do their best and achieve their goals.
I wish to develop this programme in all schools in Iran.
Activities by World Green Star
Teacher training workshops and seminars, performing monthly professional workshops for Eco-Schools representatives and principals about educational themes that are high risk in our country. Planting trees, working with Eco Committees at schools due to receive the Green Flag award to help manage the ceremony and celebrate this event together successfully.
Mostly we focus on students and teachers to learn about and protect nature.
We held some events for students during the year to increase their environmental awareness.
Some workshops have been held for teachers about new educational methods of learning about the environment and also how to break bad habits which could be risky for the environment and human health. We are going to operate some eco-tours for students and teachers to show them some spectacular scenarios and help them to be green travellers.
We encourage them to use more eco-friendly products. (Using disposable dishes is forbidden in our workshops and seminars)
An inspiring story by World Green Star
One of our key targets is decreasing the use of energy. Some schools found some useful solutions to decrease their use of energy and ran it at their schools. Significantly, some schools have solar panels in their building structure. The students learn how electricity has been produced from sunlight and they are educated practically, and theoretically, on decreasing their use of energy and their CO2 emissions.